May 31, 2002 - Yesterday, a ceremony was held to mark the end of the recovery efforts at Ground Zero. Updating
this page to reflect this change is not easy. Many of us, Ground Zero workers, family members and volunteers alike are
now dealing with a loss of a different kind, but a very real loss nonetheless.
While we at Point Thank You may no longer be standing out on the Hero Highway, and are no longer seeking volunteers
to hold up signs to show our support, we are far from done. In some ways, we are just beginning. Our plan is to continue our
"thank you" efforts in various ways - by visiting police precincts and firehouses, working on getting signatures on our petition
to have a section of West Street renamed "Hero Highway", and other volunteer projects.
I will continue to update the website with new pictures, "News of the Nuts", and other items as they become
available. So, keep coming back!
If you work with any of the organizations involved in the recovery efforts (Police, Firefighters, EMTs, Salvation
Army, St. Paul's, etc.), and are looking for "a few good nuts" to help cook, sort mail, clean... whatever, feel free to e-mail
us at pointthankyou@yahoo.com.
To our many heroes,
Even though Point Thank You may stand empty, a little bit of each of us will always be
there. A little bit of Point Thank You will always be within each of us as well.
Know that we will always be with you in spirit, and you will always be in our hearts. We will never
forget you.

To browse the web ring visit here.

Current Events/Info
6/2012: We now have a facebook page at https://facebook.com/pointthankyou
which I do a somewhat better job of keeping updated. This site will remain here for primarily historical purposes, as long
as Tripod continues to host it. The Twitter widget below will hopefully show regular updates.
Be sure to visit our links page
Click here to
see our NY1 News "New Yorker of the Week" segment!
Visit Carol's online photo
Photos from October 2001-present
Let us know you were here! Read
our Dreambook! Sign our Dreambook!
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